Justin Cooksey

As usual I remembered the Advent of Code after it had started, but never the less I got stuck in to it around day 10 (10th December 20222). However I never got past the day 7 stage 1 puzzle but not because I couldn't, but rather I just fell in to that busy time of year, and didn't spend the time trying to keep up.

Well there is nothing to stop you from continuing on so I'll see if I can get back in to it in (ummm...) February 2023! (Im sitting here shaking my head)

If you havent ever heard about it, you should take a look. It's a series of puzzles, relased as an Advent calender, that you solve by wwriting up the code to find the answers. 2 puzzles are released every day from December 1st through Decmber 25th that you solve to help the elves undertake Christmas tasks. You can use any language you like, and its not the code you write that you progress with, just the correct answers you must get from that code.

So I'll continue on, no doubt it wont all get solve in 2 months, but tis still a fun task to keep you learning.

Web Site - Advent Of Code My GitHub repository - AdventOfCode2022

Adendum - 2023-07-17

Well I didnt get back to it, life tooks it path and I never jumped back in to it. Maybe this year I can make more of an effort.

Justin Cooksey

It's back around to October again and Hacktoberfest is of course up and running. I enjoyed my first involvement with Hacktoberfest in 2019 but I didn't complete enough pull request for the month. Will I make it this year?

Hacktoberfest is a great idea. It got me contributing, and keen to try again next year, but I hope to keep its intent rolling through the year.

As before in 2019, my thanks go to DigitalOcean and DEV for this great initiative.

Justin Cooksey

This is the beginings of this site utilising GatsbyJS.

While I am learning parts of GatsbyJS as well as expanding knowledge on ReactJS, I am not following through somone tutorial and simply pasting things in from that. I want to work on this to understand how these frameworks operate. As such it has been, and will be, a little jumpy as I don't follow a set path through setting up this site as I would if I followed through someones tutorial.

At present I have a fairly basic blog/thoughts/articles system operational, as well as a landing page. All of the pages have very little styling at this point, which certainly needs to be worked on. I also need to get some content up, expecially in the about page. I've also got options to discover on things such as styling where I'm exploring:

I've currently used the following plugins:

  • gatsby-plugin-react-helmet for correct SEO elements on the pages
  • gatsby-plugin-react-helmet-canonical-urls to make pages cannonical for this site. The source site.
  • gatsby-plugin-styled-components for styling
  • gatsby-plugin-mdx to manage the Markdown files to be used as post content
  • gatsby-remark-vscode to have any Markdown code blocks styled to look like vscode screenshots
  • gatsby-plugin-feed to create RSS feed data to allow sharing via feeds
  • gatsby-plugin-sitemap to screate sitemap files
  • gatsby-plugin-robots-txt to create robots.txt files
  • gatsby-plugin-offline & gatsby-plugin-manifest to make the site a Progressive Web App
  • gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms suppoprt for Netlify CMS system to allow online creation of blog entries

Still a long way to go.